EDS Berbasis Rapor Mutu

Bapak/Ibu kepala sekolah, berikut ini beberapa contoh yang dapat digunakan untuk EDS Berbasis Rapor Mutu.

Silakan Download

Contoh Rapor Mutu
Contoh Membaca Rapor Mutu
Contoh Validasi Rapor Mutu A
Contoh Validasi Rapor Mutu B
Contoh Perumusan Rekomendasi Peningkatan Mutu
Contoh Rencana Tindak Hasil Analisis

Penyusunan RKS berbasis EDS (PPT)
Pengembangan RKS dan Pelaporan (PPT)


  1. As reported by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years longer and weigh 19 KG lighter than we do.

    (And realistically, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and EVERYTHING to do with "how" they are eating.)

    P.S, I said "HOW", and not "WHAT"...

    CLICK this link to reveal if this quick questionnaire can help you discover your true weight loss potential


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